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Is intermediate frequency induction heating equipment harmful to the body?

Author : Hongteng Time: 2021-11-02

Nowadays, in the age of technology, electronization, and network development, all around us are filled with various electronic devices (such as TV, computer, mobile phone, air conditioner, refrigerators, etc.). Electronic devices produce a certain amount of radiation, but the amount of radiation determines whether it will do harm to the body.

Radiation is divided into electromagnetic radiation and nuclear radiation. The radiation in our daily life is mainly electromagnetic radiation. The size of the electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic equipment with the frequency and power. General frequency in 20-35K, called low frequency; If the frequency is more than 30M, it is called high frequency. Generally, the radiation frequency that can cause harm to the human body should be at the GHz level. So our intermediate frequency heating furnace, intermediate frequency furnace, high-frequency furnace, high-frequency furnace are far below the radiation frequency that can cause harm to the body. So please rest assured this, our daily use of intermediate frequency heating furnace, intermediate frequency electric furnace, high-frequency electric furnace, and other equipment generated radiation is no harm to our body, we can rest assured use.

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